
Life Insurance

Taking care of your loved ones with Life Insurance.


Life Insurance Coverage Program

P&P Insurance Agency offers life insurance for your family.  We provide mortgage protection, lost income protection, guarantee education funds, final expense coverage, debt and medical expense payoff options. 



Life Insurance Overview

Most of us don’t think about it, but Life Insurance is one of the best ways to take care of your loved ones if something were to happen to you. P&P Insurance Agency can help set up a Life Insurance Program that will make sure all of your loved ones will not have to go without, even if they are without you.

Life Insurance for Your Family

  • Provide Mortgage Protection:  This will pay off your mortgage in the event you or your spouse dies to ensure that your family can remain in their home.
  • Replace Lost Income:  This can replace the lost income your family needs to maintain their life style.
  • Guarantee Education:  A means of guaranteeing education funds for your child/children if you are not here to provide and save for their education.
  • Guarantee Insurability:  Lock in your insurability to keep future life insurance options open.
  • Final Expenses:  With average funeral services approaching $10,000; are you prepared for unexpected final expenses?
  • Payoff Debts/Medical Expenses:  Eliminate all forms of debt that could be left for your family to pay such as credit cards, car loans and medical expenses.

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